Monday, 14 August 2023

Biography of William Shakespeare and his works || Literary Foundation ||

William Shakespeare's Biography (1564-1616)

An English playwright, poet, actor, a renounced figure of the Elizabethan age, and one of the greatest dramatists of English drama Shakespeare was born on 23 April 1564 in Stratford, England. He was baptized on 26th April 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon's church. His father was John Shakespeare, the son of a farmer who came from the nearby village of Snitterfield to Stratford in about 1551. He was prosperous as a trader in corn, meat, leather, and other agricultural products. His mother's name was Mary Arden, the daughter of a wealthy farmer. She descended from an old Warwickshire family of mixed Anglo-Saxon blood. His parents got married in 1559. Shakespeare's parents were illiterate but evidence shows that his father can write.

In 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a peasant family of Shottery, who was eight years older than her boy husband.

Education of Shakespeare:-

He never attended any renowned educational institutions. However, his early education was started at the Endowed Grammar School at Stratford. Were, he learns little about "Latin" and "Greek". Later, he left school to support his family.

The real instructor of Shakespeare:-

His real teacher was the surroundings where he was born i.e. Stratford, and where he worked i.e. London. 
Stratford (his village)  is a charming village in beautiful Warwickshire, apart from this, the forest of Arden, the old castle of Warwick and Kenilworth, the old Roman canons, and the military ignite the powerful lively imagination mightiness in Shakespeare. 
He reflected the natural scenery of his village in his poetry which shows his genius as a keen sympathetic observer who observes significant details. The other centre is London- a city of world political activity, where he learns about the artificial man in an unnatural environment.

Besides,  two theories regarding his geniuses are as follows-
  •  The Romantic school of writers has always held that "all came from within", and his genius was his sufficient guide.
  • The unimaginative and practical man emphasizes studying his surrounding environment rather than his genius. He lived in the playing age, studied the crowd, and gave them what they wanted. His plays simply reflect their own thoughts and feelings.
Lastly, the education of Shakespeare was at the hand of nature which keeps his eyes wide open to the beauty of the world.

Dispute regarding his work:-

When he turned fourteen, left his school to support his father who lost his business and fell into debt. However, what kind of job he did is unknown but there is an assumption that to support his father in business Shakespeare did menial jobs. However, if we take a close study of his works as confirmation, especially Love's Labour's Lost, then he must be a botanist because of his knowledge of wildflowers; a sailor, because he knows the ropes; a courtier, because of his courtly language; a clown, because none other is dull and foolish; a king, because Richard and Hemery are true to life; a woman, because he has a sounded the depths of women's feelings; and surely a Roman, because in Coriolanus and Julius Caesar. He has shown us the Roman spirit better than Roman writers.

In 1584, he left his native town and went to London and joined Burbage's company of players.
In 1595, his name appeared on the payroll of Lord Chamberlain's company of actors, who performed at the court. Shakespeare left London in 1610 for Stratford where he stayed at New Place. He died on 23  April 1616.

Works of William Shakespeare:-

As far as Shakespeare's work is concerned he did not write any original plays rather he took stories from old plays and made them what the audience wanted.  All his works were published after his death in 1623.
His first folio was printed in 1623 by two actors Heming and Condell.  The folio contains 36 to 37 plays.

Period of his Plays:-

A careful reading suggests that Shakespeare has four periods for the development of his plays-

(1) a period of early experimentation, characterized by youthfulness and exuberance of imagination including works like 'Venus and Adonis', "Love's Labour's Lost", "Two Gentlemen of Verona", and "Richard 3rd"This period ranges from his arrival in London to 1595.

(2) a period of rapid growth and development, exhibits careful artistic works and better plots, including- "The Merchant of Venice", "Midsummer Night's Dream", "As You Like It", and " Henery 4th"This period ranges from 1595 to 1600.

(3) a period of gloom and depression that ranges from 1600 to 1607 includes- "Macbeth", "Othello", and " Julius Caesar".

(4) a period of restored serenity. The works of this period are- "The Winter's Tale", and "The Tempest".

Classification of his works on the basis of source:-

His works are borrowed from History or Historical Plays, Legendary Plays, and Stories or Fiction.

Historical plays are- "Richard 3rd", and "Henery". 

Legendary plays are- "Macbeth", King Lear", and " Julius Caesar".

Fictional plays are"Romeo and Juliet", and "The Merchant of Venice".

For his legendary and Historical sources, he depends on- "Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland and on North's translation of Plutarch's famous lives".

His Poems:-
He wrote two long narrative poems- "Venus and Adonis"(1593), and "The Rape of Lucrece"(1594) in rhyme royal stanzas. 

In 1609, a collection of Shakespeare's sonnets is printed by Thomas Thrope. It has 154 poems.

His Plays:-
As a great playwright of the age. He produced several plays that are still unmatched by anyone's works. His plays are usually divided into three groups- (a) Tragedies, (b) comedies, and (c) Historical plays.

(a) Tragedies- A tragedy is a drama in which the hero or chief characters are involved in desperate circumstances or led by overwhelming passion.
(b) Comedies- A comedy is a drama in which the characters are placed in less or more humorous situations and the play ends with happiness.
(c) Historical plays- The Historical drama tends to present some historical age or characters and may be either a comedy or a tragedy.

Dates of Shakespeare's Plays:-




1. Henry VI, 2. Henry VI, 3. Henry VI


Richard III, The Comedy of Errors


Titus Andronicus, The Taming of the Shrew, Love's Labour's  Lost, Romeo and Juliet.


A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Two Gentlement of Verona, King John


Richard II, The Merchant of Venice


1. Henry IV


2. Henry IV, Much Ado Nothing


Henry V, Julius Caesar


The Merry Wives of Windsor,  As  You like it


Hamlet, Twelfth Night


Troilus and Cressida,  All's well that Ends Well


Theatres Closed


Measure of Measure, Othello


Macbeth, King Lear


Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus


Timon of Athens (unfinished)


Pericles (in part)




The Winter's Tale


The Tempest


Henry VIII (in part


  • History of English Literature by-
     Edward Albert & W.J. Long.


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