The free verse poem "Musee des Beaux Arts" (Museum of Fine Arts) was composed by British-American poet Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) in December 1938 when he was in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. It was published in 1939 under the title "Palais des Beaux-Arts" (Palace of Fine Arts).
The title of this poem is derived from 'Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique'; it's a French name for the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium. The museum is famous for its collection of early Netherlandish paintings.
The poem has two parts. The first part describes the scene of suffering while others are busy in their daily course and the massacre of children. The second part refers to a painting of Icarus that allows the reader to visualize the indifference of humans.
The central theme of this poem is human indifference. To deal with it he incorporated three paintings that he saw in a gallery named, Old Master Museum in Brussels, Belgium.
"About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;"
The poem begins with the appreciation of the "Old Masters" (refer to Renaissance Flemish Painters) for their intellect and keen insight that exactly predicts the past and future of human beings. He says the painters' predictions are true regarding human suffering and the position of other humans while someone suffers. They know how one had suffered and how one will suffer while the other would remain engaged in their own daily chores or "just walk dully along". Here the post shows the apathy of humans. How one suffers and the other can pass without taking notice and care of that sufferer.
"Who, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:"
Here is the first painting, "Census of Bethlehem" by Brughel de Elder. In this painting, Brueghel painted the pregnant Virgin Mary who was heading toward Bethlehem on a donkey while 'aged' were gathered here and there and children were playing. Through this painting, Auden showcased that amidst the suffering the 'aged' who knew, were waiting with firm beliefs and admiration for 'the miraculous birth' i.e. the birth of Jesus. Though the aged were waiting for the miracle, but some children who were skating on the pond did not want this miracle.
"They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer’s horse Scratches its innocent behind on a tree."
In the last passage of the first part, Auden revealed why children did not want this miracle. Another painting titled "Massacre of the Innocents" by Brueghel de Elder gives the reason. The very title reveals that something dreadful had happened. According to the Gospel of Matthew, three wise men or Magi came to the kingdom of Judea and said to King Herod that the king of Jews had been born; the king directed them to Bethlehem and asked an information about the king of Jews but these wise men didn't inform him. When the king realised that he had been outwitted he sent his army to kill all the male children who were two years old. Consequently, the king's army came and killed them. That is why children didn't want this miracle because they all died without any crime. While this massacre was happening some dogs were living their 'doggy life' and 'the torturer's horses were scratching their hoofs in the 'untidy spot'. Here, the poet has used the word 'martyrdom' meaning dying for a great cause. The children who were killed, died for Jesus; a great cause. so, this word has been used.
"In Brueghel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on."
In the second part, Auden directly used the mane of one painter to emphasise his point. A painting titled "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" by Brueghel the Younger has been used. In it, the painter painted the fall of Icarus from the sky into the sea, a ploughman was ploughing his field, the sun was shown, and an expensive ship was passing by Icarus; who was drowning. But none of these bothered about Icarus. The Ploughman must have heard the splash of water but for him, his own work was more important instead of saving Icarus. In the same manner, the people on the ship ignored Icarus because they had to go somewhere. Through it, the poet wants to convey how insensible a human can be.
The poem can be seen from two perspectives;
One- Through this poem, Auden challenges humanity by satirizing our enlightened age and knowledge. We call ourselves educated and sensible but in reality, we are not. Our enlightened age's knowledge and ground appearance show a vast disparity.
Before the teaching of Jesus; people and children were dying, no one cared, and the kings were murderers. When Jesus enlightened he taught us to love, compassion, and care for others. After so many years we moved from his teaching and termed our age particularly the 14th to 16th centuries and later centuries as an enlightened period. Now, in the 20th century, we all are divided on the name of nation and religion etc., fighting and killing each other. We not only forget the teaching of Jesus but our own termed enlightened age failed to enlighten our heart. We are in a similar state today to the state we were in before the teaching of Jesus.
Second- It can also be seen as a poem of solace for those who are suffering and for those who have an indifferent attitude. This suffering and indifferent temperament are not contemporary they developed a thousand years ago and were transferred to later generations. So you too can relieve yourselves without any pain.
Note- these two are my own perspectives. It can have many depending on your own understanding.