
Showing posts from June, 2024

Quotes from novel Prophet Song

 Simon "If you change the ownership of institutions then you can change the ownership of facts, you can alter the structure of belief, what is agreed upon" "If you say one thing is another thing and you say it enough times, then it must be so, and if you keep saying it over and over people accept it as true" "Sooner or later, of course, reality reveals itself, he says, you can borrow for a time against reality but reality is always waiting, patiently, silently, to exact a price and level the scales"  Eilish Stack "All boys grow up and pull away from home to unmake the world in the guise of making  it" "All of your life you have been asleep, all of us sleeping and now the great walking begins" "The child that is born from the body remains always a part of the body"

What is Culture Industry?

The term   Culture Industry   was coined by two German thinkers Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno in their book   Dialectic of Enlightenment , in 1944. As per PK Nayer, the ' Culture Industry ' is mainly used to describe mass culture forms. It transforms an individual from a thinking and discerning individual into an unthinking individual. The   Culture Industry   does not want the consumer to think but merely consume. In the Marxist's view 'Culture' is not an abstract thing that is created by an individual genius. Rather, it is a product of any society's economic and social conditions. Adorno and Horkheimer have mentioned that the  Culture Industry  claims standards are based on consumers' choice, which is an illusion. Rather, the culture Industry decides what should be catered to an individual. In this cut-throat competition, the interested party uses various technological terms to manipulate people and help the culture industry increase its hold on people