
Showing posts from February, 2024

The Era of Anglo-Norman Period

The Era of Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350) The Normans: The name "Norman" is attributed to the Northmen who originated from Scandinavia. These individuals were known for their robustness as seafarers. In the 10th century, they invaded the French coast and conquered the entire northern region. However, unlike their previous behaviour, they chose to intermarry with the advanced civilization of the north rather than destroy it. The locals, known as Franks, embraced the French culture and language, abandoning their own customs. The inhabitants embraced and enhanced the Roman culture of the locals. After evolving from uncivilized Viking tribes, they became the most refined and educated population in Europe. The merging of Norse and French ancestry, also known as the Roam Gallic, resulted in a community with strong determination, dynamism, inquisitive nature, and creative thinking. The Conquest of Anglo-Norman Before the fight at Hastings and the takeover of England, there reigned a