
Showing posts from January, 2023

Biography of Jane Austen, her works and features

J ane A usten is one of the great writers and authors of cultured, ironic and harsh novels. Her greatness is difficult to catch. She is contemporary to Wordsworth and Coleridge. She got little encouragement from her own generation still what she did for English novels is incomparable. She refined and simplified it, making it a true reflection of English life. As Wordsworth began with the deliberate purpose of making poetry natural and truthful, so Miss Austen appears to have begun writing with the idea of presenting the life of English contrary to society as it was.   A usten was born on December 16, 1775, at the rectory in the village of Steventon, in Hampshire, England. She was the seventh child and second daughter of Reverend George Austen and his wife Cassandra Austen. Jane Austen had a happy childhood with her sibling and was almost inseparable from her elder sister, Cassandra. When she grew up a young woman, still living with her parents, Austen helped her parents, especially her

Morphology || Literary Foundation ||

Morphology:- The systematic study of morphemes or how morphemes join to form words is known as morphology. The segment of a word is called or referred to as " Morphs ". The term " Morphemes " and " Morphs " are comparable to the terms "Form" and "Substance" which was given by Ferdinand de Saussure . A M orphemes is a short part of a language that has or meets three criteria:- It is a word or a part of a word that has meaning. It cannot be divided into the smallest meaningful part. It recures in differing verbal environments with relatively stable meanings. A word is a single unit of language, which means something and can be spoken or written. This single or minimal unit cannot be further subdivided into meaningful units. It's type:- Free morphemes - Those morphemes that can stand on their own as independent words are called free morphemes. e.g.- words like unhappy , disregard , boyhood etc. have morphemes such as happy , re

Linguistics- Synchronic and Diachronic

Linguistics:-   Synchronic  and Diachronic After the 20th century when the study of language is regarded as a separate branch. The term Linguistic was coined. Modern linguistics is defined as a specific discipline and as a self-enclosed and autonomous system worthy of study in its own right. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Scientist of other disciplines studies the respective subjects' matter collect data, do various experiments, and propose theories. Likewise, a linguist does. He or She goes to various community meetings people asks about the history, historical changes, and variations they know regarding own their languages at the same time a linguist also goes through lots of historical texts for evidence or concrete proof. After collecting all this data he or she does some scientific experiments puts forward his theory and also classifies the language based on that experiment. The scientific study reveals that language change with the passage of time and change

Linguistics: Substance and Form

Linguistics: Substance and Form Linguistics studies the nature of various languages and puts forward many theories that are based on various factors and levels. For convenience linguists divided or categorized the language into different categories. In a language, we both have two terms " Substance and Form ." These two are also the qualities of languages. All the distinguished sounds produced by human speech and organs and the scripts that were produced by humans to communicate are called Substance . It has been categorized into two parts: oral and the second is written or graphic. It is with these Substances we form languages and grammar and lexis help to organise these substances in a particular way. On the content level substance means the whole mass of thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas, and concepts that are different in languages or languages people use. The Form gives a particular shape or order that becomes meaningful. It means an abstract structure or relationship